Online Hotel Reservation
Best of Budapest > Accommodation > Home > Hungary > Hajdúszoboszló > Hotels > Hotel Barátság

Hotel Barátság – Hajdúszoboszló

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The offer of this property:
Normal rates
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room type room rate nr. rooms
show room details standard room
max. 2 persons
Facilities: • balcony • bathroom with toilet • in-room safe • minibar • phone • television • wireless Internet access
show room details apartment
max. 4 persons
Facilities: • balcony • bathroom with toilet • in-room safe • minibar • phone • television • wireless Internet access
Travelling with children? Need rooms for a group? Organizing an event? Request an offer.

Security information:
Your personal details as well as your credit card data are received and passed to the selected hotel through a secure channel using SSL encryption protocol. Our hotel reservation system never charges your credit card. Payment is to be completed directly with the hotel.
Currency information:
This hotel has specified its room rates in Hungarian Forint (HUF) and will confirm your booking in this currency. If you select another currency the rates will be converted for your convenience. Please note that this conversion is approximate and may differ from what you will actually pay because of exchange rate fluctuations.
Taxes and fees:
• Rates exclude tourist tax (450 HUF per person per night).
• No tourist tax is to be paid for persons under 18.
Payment options:
• American Express
• Diners Club
• MasterCard
• The hotel accepts Hungarian vacation checks.
• The hotel accepts Hungarian vacation cards.
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